Recurse Center Week 4
Another busy and fun week. I am going to ignore the fact that it’s currently week 5, and post this anyway.
This week, I:
- Finished writing the code for 6.006 problem sets 2 and 3, including writing an AVL tree with a subtree size augmentation and learning about Python decorators (a syntax I’ve used a handful of times over the past couple of years without really understanding.)
- Mapped the paquete distribution network in Havana using Mapbox APIs. This will be shared publicly soon!
![](/uploads/2018/02/05/Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at 5.13.18 PM.png)
- Handled some social/emotional labor tasks and caught up with friends from outside the area.
- Fixed a couple bugs in Vignette and got the demo environment running on Mac OS High Sierra
- Added tests to my Go cryptopals project
- Added music to one of my image resynthesis videos
- Restructured image resynthesis project to be less script-y and to use real data structures (in-progress)
- Figured out how to remove perspective from the Mapbox GL renderer and generated some fun geographic viewpoints.
![](/uploads/2018/02/05/Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 5.55.59 PM.png)